No doubt that hormones and lack of sleep contributed largely to how I felt yesterday. I do feel better today, partly because I had a much better sleep last night. I had three good chunks of sleep which added up to eight or nine hours. I've also found that one way to chase away the blues and forget one's worries (temporarily anyway) is to replace those feelings with anger and frustration. I spent a considerable amount of time today creating some email distribution lists to announce Georgia's birth to friends, and for some reason my email is not working (something about the server) and I can't send the announcement (yet). Grrrr!
On another note, Georgia has been eating and sleeping very well. She wants to eat every four hours, almost like clockwork. Can't complain about that! Plus, she hardly ever cries. She often wakes up close to the four-hour mark and just lays there making little sounds. She only cries when she's really hungry and we're wasting time changing her diaper. Last night, she had the hiccups and slept right through it! Amazing.