Georgia is still growing. Her weight estimate this week is 3.3 kg or 7 lbs. 4 oz. (I think that's big enough, so any time now, baby!) Everything else is the same. Her heart rate was 136 and 72, and no sign of any (other) problems. There's still lots of amniotic fluid around her. I don't think I'd mentioned that before, but it's something they check for every week.
I had wondered if the doctor would check this week for any dilation and effacement of the cervix. GPs often check that about now (37+ weeks), but Dr. Cardoso didn't. Glenys said obstetricians usually don't bother with that. It's probably just as well. My body tends to start things early, but it's not necessarily an indication that something will happen really soon.
I have appointments booked for the next three Tuesdays. They switched our day again because Dr. Cardoso will be on call on Wednesdays now. I sure hope I don't need that appointment on the 24th!