I took this picture as soon as I received the prompt this morning as I knew I wouldn't have time to get creative today (the prompt was for any blue, not necessarily the sky) and it looked like clouds were moving in. Sure enough, it was completely overcast by 7:15 am. Of the pictures I took, I selected this one for the transition from white to blue.
I'm so tired right now! I had a very full day at work today and then we attended the year-end carnival at the girls' school. I was the cashier for pizza during the first half of the two-hour event, and then when the carnival was over, Neil was on clean-up duty so we were there for another hour. We might have walked home instead of waiting, but it was raining. Of course. (Madeline went home with L&B for a sleepover as the girls don't have school tomorrow.)
Our basement is already soggy and we're expecting another 2-3 inches of rain this weekend. We've been getting water in the toy/clothing storage room all spring, and it's getting worse with each rain. The carpet is soaked about 8 feet in from the leak, so Neil hauled most of the toys upstairs yesterday (the rest are on metal shelves and all of the clothes are in plastic bins). We're going to have to clear the room completely this weekend and probably remove all of the carpet underlay (which won't be reusable). Ugggh. "Nothing but blue skies" is what we really need right now.